Some Days you just need cookies.
Today was one of those days.
I Love Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Of all the desserts in the world, a perfect cookie is my favorite.
I'm pretty sure it is because I have such great memories of making chocolate chip cookies with my Dad when I was little. My Dad makes THE BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies.
His secret? Maraschino cherries & lots of love.
My sis sneaking some cookie dough circa 2006?

Memory plays a big role in food choices. There are foods we love or hate based on past experiences (See my very first post for more details). Making cookies with dad was always fun. No matter how many little hands were trying to help, he always made you feel like your job was the most important part. He never got frustrated and he never worries about the mess we made. And the best part? He always let us eat as much cookie dough as we wanted! Oh & he did the dishes!
I don't make Dad's cookies very often, because it's a pretty sticky process & I tend to like to experiment with making my treats a little healthier. Plus it's just more fun to make them back home with Dad.
Tonight I used the following recipe:
1 1/4 cup mixed flour (1/2 whole wheat, 1/2 unbleached flour)
1 cup oat flour (1 cup oatmeal blended in the blender)
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp real vanilla extract
2 free range eggs
1 bag chocolate chips (Ghirardelli to be exact)
Bake at 375 degrees for 9-11 minutes
The Set up
I Love Love Love my Kitchenaid Mixer. My parents bought it for me 5 years ago when I bought my first place. One of the best gifts ever. Also note the awesome collapsible measuring cups by Chef n. As you will note I have a thing for Kitchen tools. There is at least one kitchen tool on my wish list for every holiday. My latest acquisition is a set of Williams Sonoma Gold nonstick insulated cookie sheets (I also got a set of matching muffin pans because my husband rocks!) Let me tell you, these cookie sheets are amazing! They really do not stick. Your cookies slide right off, pure perfection.
Baking away
So this was my first attempt at "Low Elevation Baking". I've always been a high elevation girl, I learned to bake nestled in the Rocky Mountains, I've been doing it for so long, that I forgot there was a difference when you change elevation. Well. Let me tell you. There is a difference.
The Proof
The cookies jumped off the pan so fast (courtesy of husband) I couldn't get a shot of the whole sheet.
But these 4 little guys just couldn't bear to part.
Although they weren't aesthetically pleasing, they were delicious!
A few more batches & I'll have them back to perfection.
Happy Baking!